In this paper, some manufacture methods, principal properties as well as different application fields for thermo-resistant and flame-retardant fibers were briefly introduced. 概述耐高温阻燃纤维的一些制备方法、产品主要性能特点,并从多方面介绍了耐高温阻燃纤维的应用领域。
At the proximal end of the principal piece, there are satellite fibrils among the outer dense fibers. 在主段的近中段区域,外周致密纤维之间还存在着卫星原纤维。
Principal component and cluster analysis of mechanical properties of ramie fibers 苎麻纤维机械物理性能的主成分及聚类分析
During the late stage, the principal fibers stained for fibromodulin at the interfaces between cementum and new bone. 愈合晚期,纤维调节素表达于牙骨质和新骨交界处的主纤维。